
Here you will find our website archives. A place where you might review our website’s content from over a particular year or month in our history.

You may also search our entire website by using the Search Box.

(Webmaster Note: currently, events are categorised by the date they were posted to the website, rather than by the date the event occurred. V2.0 will address that (DAR)).

Amateur Radio Archive Posts

Like to Contribute to our Website?

If you've used a Word Processor or even an email program, you'll already know how to use an editor and, optionally, rich text editing. This means you already know how to use our website's built-in editor. Plus there's lots of documentation and support!

Things you might write about:-

  • Write about our field events. What you saw, what we did, what you liked.
  • Write about our club meetings; what a presenter discussed, how the club members experienced the topic etc
  • (The top two used to be called "Blogging"!)
  • Write about your latest Contesting adventures, or POTA/IOTA experiences.
  • Share you knowledge on what you do in our hobby, and how you do it (e.g. homebrew construction, techniques that capture that elusive QSO, antennas that the neighbours don't see).
  • Limitless possibilities !

Get in touch with The Webmaster Team today for details on how you can post onto our club website.