Using our WhatsApp QRV/QSO group, club members of Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club sometimes alert other members of our intention to QSO.

We might want to test new equipment (and would like a club member on the other side to help), check our transmissions (more friendly than a WebSDR), taking part POTA nearby, or we’d just like to say hello.

WhatsApp gives us near-immediate access to club support.

Easy Access

Access to our WhatsApp group is freely available to all club members. Signing into the group is easy, too.

Provided you have WhatsApp installed on your smartphone or computer, you gain access to our group in seconds by clicking on a simple URL.

Requesting Access

If you’re a Club Member of Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club: contact the Webmaster Team for the WhatsApp QRV/QSO URL.

If you’re not a member… why not  give our club a try to see if you like us?!