Weekly 2m Open Net
Come and join us on our weekly 2m Open Club Net.
Day/Time: THURSDAYs 1930 (local time).
Frequency: See table, below.
We hold our open club net on 2m for all club members and all licenced users in the area (passers-by, non-club members, etc). Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) & pre-licensed amateurs are welcome to listen in.
The estimated range of our net is displayed on the map image.
Trouble Locating Us?🔍
If you don’t hear us on GB3CW, try us on the GB3SH (2m) or GB3SU (70cm) repeaters. If all repeaters have failed us (bad QRM etc), try listening around 145.275MHz simplex for us.
We open the net with our Net Controller TX’ing from Southsea calling on the Fareham repeater GB3CW. If, during the net, we experience unfavourable weather or propagation conditions, we sometimes QSY to repeater GB3SH or GB3SU (70cm). Prepare all these repeaters (details below), storing their details into your transceiver’s memory.
Come join us – we like to chat with you!
Club Net call-sign: | G3CNO/A |
Day/Time: | Thursdays 1930 (Local Time) for around an hour. |
Frequency & Mode: | GB3CW – We usually begin on the Fareham GB3CW repeater. (FM, 145.6125 MHz, -600KHz, Analogue Voice with CTCSS: 71.9 Hz). |
GB3SH – We may QSY to Southampton GB3SH repeater depending on conditions. (FM, 145.6625 MHz, -600KHz, Analogue voice with CTCSS 71.9 Hz). | |
GB3SU – We may QSY to Southampton GB3SU repeater depending on conditions. (FM, 433.200 MHz, +1.6MHz, Analogue voice with CTCSS 71.9 Hz). | |
145.275 MHz simplex – if we cannot use the repeaters (eg QRM) come find us somewhere around 145.275 MHz FM simplex. |