The Club Merit Award
For Best Progress in the Hobby – in memory of Dave G3VXM.
This annual award is given in August to the club member who made the best progress in our hobby during the club year (September–August).
Beginning in 2021/22, and for the first couple of years, the club committee decided the recipient of the award. Once there were enough recipients, the honourees were given the task of nominating subsequent winners.
Recipient History
- 2022: Dean M7SUX
- 2023: Gavin 2E0TKT
- 2024: to be announced shortly
In Memory of Dave G3VXM
Dave Clemens G3VXM (SK) was a resident of Southsea and a member of the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society.
Dave spent his working life in electronics in Portsmouth dockyards. He was the sort of person who’d help anyone get on in our hobby and was an active member of Raynet.
His good friend, Les G6APD, wished that Dave be remembered in the same spirit in which he lived his life, and donated the plate to be awarded in his memory for “Best Progress in the Hobby”.