Friday 26th July is Gazebos & Antennas Set-up Day for Saturday 27th July through to Sunday 28th July, activating club call G3CNO.
Fort opens at 9am daily.
The IOTA (Islands On The Air) HF Contest runs over 24 hours from 1200 UTC (Saturday, 27th July) until 1200 UTC, the following day, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, CW & SSB only (contest rules are online here:
This will be our first time participating in IOTA, and while it’s a big learning curve, it’ll be an exciting challenge for us too.
Further details for club members will be available on our private Bulletin Board Service in due course.
Evening Club Meeting
Our monthly club meeting will be held on Friday 26th July @ 7pm in the gazebos on the Stone Store (not in rooms PF1/PF2).
Anyone who would like to come and use the Room 3 Club Shack (using club equipment or connecting their own to the antenna) – you’d be welcome.
Further Information
Other activities taking place over the weekend are the FP Bowmen on Friday evening on the parade ground, so take care and wait until told it’s safe to cross the parade ground if you are coming up for the normal end of month club meeting.
On Saturday and Sunday, there will be various youth parties.
The Havant Bowmen may be there on Sunday morning, but this is to be decided, and if they are, once again take care and wait until told it’s safe to drive across the parade ground.
Finding us
Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club (FPARC).
c/o Peter Ashley Activity Centres (Fort Purbrook),
Peter Ashley Lane, Portsdown Hill Road,
PO6 1BJ,
United Kingdom.