Main Points of the Day:
- Activating our club call-sign G3CNO.
- 4m Contest 1500 – 2100 (local time).
- Members welcome to setup and experiment with their own kit. Ex-Practical Evening builders welcome.
- Archers: see important safety information below.
Important Safety Information! ⚠️
Fort Purbrook Company of Bowmen will be taking part in their competition (1000 onwards) having their kit being checked by scrutineers between 0830-1000. Their activities will continue from 1000 until around 1530.
There will be 100 or so people attending the Archer’s event. There will be targets all around the parade ground and the eastern side of the fort.
The path to the toilets will be unaffected (and there is an easy on-foot entrance/exit path between the Stone Store and the toilets, and between the toilets and the Fort’s exit).
The archers will be using the tunnel entrance in the Stone Store, but this won’t affect FPARC.
For their safety, FPARC Visitors and Club Members MUST FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES.
- You must pay attention to the archer’s guides and safety officers at all times.
- If you arrive after 0945 (or you are a visitor at any time), you must park your car outside, sign-in at the Fort’s Visitor’s Office, and make your way carefully to the Stone Store, paying attention at all times to safety notices and guides.
- If you are bringing in radio kit and only staying a short time, the plan would be drive in before 0930, leave the kit and then park outside the fort.
Once we are in, we are in! It will be very disruptive to the archers to try to leave whilst their competition is running.
☎️ Club Members: see our Groups.IO Bulletin Board for information on our Field Day telephone number …
RSGB 4m Contest Information
The contest is organised by the Radio Society of Great Britain. It takes place between 1400-2000 UTC.
Rules & Guide:
Finding us
Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club (FPARC).
c/o Peter Ashley Activity Centres (Fort Purbrook),
Peter Ashley Lane, Portsdown Hill Road,
PO6 1BJ,
United Kingdom.