The website is the club’s “shop window” allowing members and non-members alike. Through the website, we can see the events that the club is planning for the coming year.
Here’s a list of tasks that an event organiser will put on the website on an ad-hoc basis.
Efforts: once you have the hang of this process, each event can take less than a minute to create (fewer than 10 seconds to clone). The subsequent efforts of fleshing out the details depends on each event and the amount of detail you want to add
Creating an Event Post
(Approx 1 minute to create, more time to flesh out the details) Create an event post for the event you’re organising.
- You may find an event from a previous month or year is very similar to the one you want to create. Use the clone feature to make a copy of that event, edit the event post to put in the correct event dates, and flesh out the details as required.
Documentation References:
- Creating an Event
- Cloning a post
- Periodic Events (eg the weekly Club Net)