Welcome to our Club Events

Underneath our Events menu (or by going directly to our events listings) you will find all of our events – both future and historic.

1st September each year signals the start of our new club year. We begin planning annual field events for the following summer/autumn. As we enter a new year of the Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club, we hope to make this a year of enjoyable radio activity and club member camaraderie.

Our location on the Western Ramparts of Fort Purbrook brings many benefits, allowing us space for our gazebos, multiple-antenna installations and club members’ experimentation.

Free car parking is just outside of both fort entrances, close to where we set up our gazebos during field events, making access straightforward for club members and visitors.

Our monthly club meetings are the last Friday of the month in room FP-4 (upstairs).

⚠️ Club Members and Visitors must sign-in at the Fort Reception Office.

FPARC Field Weekend April 2012

Upcoming Events

  • Click/tap on an event to see a detailed popup window.
  • Select different views using the navigation buttons at the top.
  • You can drag the popup window to different positions.
  • Close the popup window by clicking the [X] button.

NEW! Have club events appear in your online diary* (Google Calendar, Apple iCloud, Smartphones, Tablets, etc). Have your diary automatically update when new event information is available.

iCal URL: https://fparc.uk/fparcevents.ical

*Your calendar must be iCal-compatible; see the documentation: “iCal Calendars and FPARC Events” for help.

Welcoming you to an Event

You’re welcome to come and visit us during an event or club meeting.

Please get in touch with our Membership Secretary: Peter G4NKX or our Examination Secretary: Graham M0CYX via our Contact Us Page to let us know when to welcome you.

Field Weekend Marquee

Field Weekend Marquee – Fort Purbrook